Joy of Music Festival 2015, Chopin, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music   Joy of Music Festival 2015, Chopin, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music
Joy of Music Festival 2015, Chopin, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music Joy of Music Festival 2015, Chopin, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music
Chopin, Joy of Music Festival, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Music Competition
Chopin, Joy of Music Festival, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Music Competition

(1st Prize winner of the Hong Kong International Piano Competition 2016)

International Jury MemberLuka Okros was born in 1991 in Tbilisi, Georgia.

In 2004, he moved to Moscow, where he graduated with a Bachelor's degree at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory under the tutelage of Sergei Dorensky. In 2013, he was awarded a full scholarship for a Master's degree at the Royal College of Music where he studied with Norma Fisher.

At the age of 18, Luka made his US debut at the Carnegie Hall. He has given concerts in many of the world's most famous halls, such as the Wigmore Hall, the Cadogan Hall and the Elgar Room of the Royal Albert Hall in London, the Salle Cortot and France Radio Hall in Paris, the Roy Thompson Hall in Toronto, the Palau de la Musica in Valencia and Barcelona and has also performed in Canada, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Japan, Russia, Georgia, South Africa, Turkey, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

During the last two years he has won more than ten top international prizes and awards, including Grand Prizes at the 4th Hong Kong International Piano Competition, first prize at the Iturbi Prize Valencia Piano Competition in Spain, the first prizes at both the Morocco Philharmonic International Piano Competition?and the Piano Campus Competition at Cergy-Pontoise in France, and several prestigious awards from the?Hattori Foundation, the Tillett Trust and the Tabor Foundation Piano Award at the Verbier Festival in Switzerland.

In March 2017 Mr. Okros won the First Prize at the Hannover Chopin International Piano Competition.

As a winner of the Jaques Samuel Intercollegiate Piano Competition, Luka was interviewed by Sean Rafferty on the "In Tune" programme of BBC Radio 3, during which he performed pieces by Liszt and Rachmaninov.


1991年生於東歐國家格魯吉亞首都第比利斯的盧卡是他這一代最前途光明的鋼琴家之一。四歲開始學習鋼琴,五歲舉行了首次公開演出,並於六歲時在由Revaz Takidze指揮的第比利斯國家管弦樂團登場。

1999年只有八歲的盧卡為俄羅斯指揮及小提琴家Vladimir Spivakov演奏後,立即向他提供了獎學金,2004年更為他前往俄羅斯提供了經濟援助。2013年在Sergei Dorensky教授的指導下盧卡畢業於莫斯科柴可夫斯基音樂學院。同年,他在倫敦皇家音樂學院獲得了碩士學位的全額獎學金,跟隨Norma Fisher教授學習鋼琴。

他在國際比賽中獲得的獎項包括Hannover Chopin International Piano Competition (2017)冠軍, 香港國際鋼琴大賽(2016)冠軍, Morocco Philharmonic International Piano Competition (2016)冠軍, Cergy Pontoise Piano Campus Competition (2015)冠軍和first Iturbi Prize at the Valencia International Piano Competition (2015)。他還獲得Hattori Foundation, Tillett Trust和瑞士Tabor Foundation的Verbier Festival Piano Award等著名的鋼琴獎項。

18歲時,盧卡在Carnegie Hall為他在美國的首次演出。 他曾在許多世界知名的音樂廳裡舉行音樂會,包括Wigmore Hall, Cadogan Hall and 倫敦的Elgar Room of the Royal Albert Hall; 巴黎的Salle Cortot,多倫多的Roy Thompson Hall和在巴倫西亞和巴塞羅那的Palau de la Musica。他還在奧地利,中國,格魯吉亞,德國,以色列,意大利,日本,哈薩克斯坦,羅馬尼亞,俄羅斯,南非,瑞士,土耳其和烏克蘭等地演出。

盧卡已經在BBC廣播電台第三台,France Musique,香港廣播電台第四台和格魯吉亞廣播電台第一台上錄製和播放了許多次。作為Jaques Samuel Intercollegiate鋼琴大賽的優勝者,Luka曾接受BBC廣播電台第三台Sean Rafferty的“In Tune”節目採訪,演奏李斯特和拉赫馬尼諾夫的作品。2017年9月10日盧卡與Royal Scottish National Orchestra合作,由ThomasSøndergård指揮,在ClassicFM上播放。

盧卡的舒曼作品CD由DiscAuverS唱片公司發行,並於2016年秋季在巴黎的Salle Cortot演出。此CD受到許多音樂愛好者和專業音樂家的高度讚譽,其中包括法國雜誌“Classica”的“four out of four”。


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